Création & Design Benelli

You may find us at the following locations in secondlife :

our Main Shop at Holymoly

We try to bring you our designs nearer and giving you some inside notions to make your dreams come true….

Hope you enjoy.

CD Benelli


Read Sita Writer's Diary !

Exclusive only here on CD Benelli's Homepage.


PS : click on the pictures in order to see all the details in full frame size !

Our Shop:

The MainShop at Holymoly:

Come and have a look.. its more than just your favorite shop its a place to stay too.
Take a moment off and relax on our romantic deck with a quiet sea view...
or enjoy next door Boondock saint... a place for live music and a cold beer...


Variety is the Spice of SL !
We all know that the more variety an outfit has, the more likely it will become a standby favorite. CD's designs offer that kind of longevity because his clothes come with so many options -- for avatars of all sizes... I am trying to decide what mood I am in -- but I know I will find something for every mood with the choice offered in Création & Design Benelli's clothes -- which is one of my favorite things about the designs -- that and the bright fresh colors that invoke im's wherever I go!
Sita Writer



Cold in Winter ?
here the most sexiest solution.

simple, sexy, casual but elegant.

Sexy, grungy.

elegantly dress up for business.


1 comment:

seo blog said...

ops that's really great sexy post and picture